PEGASUS Class IV Laser Therapy
Used first in equine medicine, Class IV laser therapy stimulates a photo-biochemical cascade of events at the cellular level to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and increase micro-circulation, accelerating restoration of function or healing within the tissues.
Advanced Healing Outcomes: Stimulates the body's own healing ability at the cellular level Accelerates the healing of injuries and common lameness disorders Produces and analgesic effect for pain reduction Prevents the occurrence or recurrence of athletic injuries Enhances the efficacy of shock wave, stem cell & PRP treatment Supports acupuncture treatments |
BICOM optima Bioresonance TherapyUses therapeutic electromagnetic frequencies to activate and regulate the bodies own healing mechanisms.
Advanced Healing Outcomes: Detoxification of allergens and pathogens Organ and immune support Pain management Faster recovery from soft tissue, bone and joint injuries Blockage removal, including spinal blockages and scar tissue Energetic re-balancing 5 element meridian support |
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
Used in human physical therapy for decades, FES stimulates muscles and nerves to move in a coordinated manner relieving pain and improving performance.
Advanced Healing Outcomes: Conditioning (recommended monthly) Activates and strengthens core muscles Increases flexibility, balance & range of motion Re-educates muscles to restore healthy muscle memory Reverses and prevents disuse atrophy Acute Alleviates pain-spasm-pain cycle in muscles Supports acupuncture and chiropractic treatments |